RGB 9 on board soundfonts with an sd card slot that can expand the soundfonts library to much larger. Smoothswing motion tracking, making the swing sound closer to the movie sounds. Full color mixing and numerous options for changing colors. Bluetooth app connectivity with the ability to control the saber through the Xeno Configurator app, which can be downloaded through the Apple and Android app store. Ability to update firmware on the soundboard through the app and to customize many features on the saber.
34 soundfonts with an included sd card that can be modified to expand the library. Full color mixing and numerous options to select colors. Full connectivity to the Xeno Configurator app. Numerous customization options in the Xeno Configurator app.
One of the most advanced sound boards on the market today. This board is capable of adjusting features on the saber without removing the sd card or connecting the board to a computer. This board has some of the most advanced technology.
is our most basic option. It comes with 4 soundfonts. Color mixing and programmed colors. Slightly less motion tracking than our more advance models. Rechargeable 18650 batteries.
One of the most customizable options. Every aspect of this option can be adjusted. A knowledge of basic coding and audrino programming is required to customize this option. Comes preloaded with 30+ soundfonts. Rechargeable 18650 batteries.
These blades are polycarbonate with a pixilated foam insert. The lights are a string of leds running up the length of the blade inside the foam. These are not recommended for full contact sparring. They are strong and can stand up to moderate contact.
These are a new pixel blade and the details are still coming from the company on their features. Due to power requirements These blades are most likely going to be recommended for select boards.
We utilize a polycarbonate blade that diffuses the light for our baselit blades. These are strong and ideal for full contact usage.
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